
Batam Manpower Data up to Aug 2021
Indonesian Citizens

Source: Development Progress of Batam Book as at 2020

BPJS (Social Security Agency) Healthcare

BPJS Healthcare Registration Procedure

  1. Registration Procedure for Business Entity (BU) Workers to the JKN (National Health Insurance) – KIS (Healthy Indonesia Card) Program
  2. Registration Procedure for Village Heads and Village Apparatuses (KP Desa)
  3. Registration Procedure for Regional House of Representatives and Non-Civil Servant Official Government Employees
  4. Registration Procedure for Wage Recipient Workers of State Administrator (PPU-PN) – PPU-PN consists of State Officials, Central / Regional Civil Servants, Central / Regional Second Tier Civil Servants, Soldiers, National Police, Civil Officers, and Police Officials. Collective registration by the Work Unit is prioritized. Registration can also be done individually.
  5. Registration Procedures for the Recipients of Health Insurance Premium Contributions
  6. Registration Procedures for the Resident Participants Registered by Local Governments
  7. Registration Procedure for Non-Wage Recipient Worker (PBPU) and Non-Employee (BP) Participants

Make sure to prepare:

  • Family Card (KK)
  • Selected Primary Health Care Facility
  • Active email and phone number
  • Front page of active accounts passbook (for autodebit registration for the premiums)
  • Passport, permanent / temporary resident permit card, limited stay visa number, work permit for foreigners


Labor Social Security Data

Social Security Labor (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) Registration,

Worker participant in employment relationship

  • Original and copy of Business License (SIUP) / Trading Business Permit
  • Original and copy of Company Taxpayer Identification Number
  • Original and copy of Articles of Association
  • Copy of each employee’s Identification Card (KTP)
  • Copy of each employee’s Family Card (KK)
  • 1 of each employee’s 2 x 3 colored pass photo

A company may register the employees as Labor Social Security participants through the website of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan at the website

Some of the benefit programs provided by the Social Security Card include the following: Working Accident Protection Program or JKK, Old Age Protection or JHT program, Death Protection or JKM program, and Health Care Security or JPK program.

Through these programs, the workers will have economic and social welfare and the workers may minimize the risk due to several unwanted events or in their old age, and when later entering retirement age.


Super Deductible Tax, Tax Incentive for Employment development

Tax incentives provided by the government to industries involved in vocational education programs (including innovation-generating research and development activities)

Minister of finance Regulation No. 128/PMK.010/2019

Further regulates regarding:

  1. Tax deduction of a maximum of 200%
  2. Categories that obtain deductions
  3. Types of apprenticeship or learning activities
  4. Participants in work or apprenticeships
  5. Tax withholding techniques.

Government Regulation No. 45 of 2019, there are two points of incentive:

Article 29B paragraph (1): reads: Domestic corporate Taxpayer who organizes field practice, internship, and/or learning activities in relation to training and developing specific competency based human resources can be granted a gross income deduction of 200% (two hundred percent) maximum of the total expense incurred in field practice, internship, and/or learning activities.

Article 29C paragraph (1): Domestic corporate taxpayers conducting research and development activities in Indonesia may be given a gross income reduction of a maximum of 300% (three hundred percent) of the total costs incurred for certain research and development activities in Indonesia, which is charged within a certain period of time.

The ministry of industry has stated that export-oriented companies will obtain income tax deduction.

Tax deduction will also apply to companies which perform import substitution. The form of the tax deduction is a tax holiday (tax incentive which applies to newly established companies to have the liberty to pay their corporate income taxes within a certain period of time) and tax allowance (tax reduction calculated based on the amount of investment invested).



Emergency Numbers

Nomor telepon Pemadam Kebakaran

PBK Batu Ampar

PBK Duriangkang

PBK Sekupang

PBK Sagulung

PBK Sei Panas

Nomor Telepon RS BP Batam

Fire Department phone number

Batu Ampar Fire Prevention Center

Duriangkang Fire Prevention Center

Sekupang Fire Prevention Center

Sagulung Fire Prevention Center

Sei Panas Fire Prevention Center

BP Batam Hospital Phone Number