Batam City is a tropical area with average temperatures ranging from 24 to 35 degrees Celsius
Kota Batam merupakan daerah tropis dengan suhu rata-rata berkisar antara 24 hingga 35 derajat Celcius (77 sampai 95 derajat Fahrenheit). Kelembaban di wilayah ini berkisar antara 73% hingga 96%. Secara umum, musim hujan dimulai pada bulan November hingga bulan April, sedangkan musim kering dimulai pada bulan Mei hingga bulan Oktober. Rata-rata curah hujan tahunan di Kota Batam sekitar 2.600 mm per tahun.
- Riau Islands Province
Located in the south of the South China Sea, which is directly adjacent to Riau Province, Singapore, Malaysia, South Sumatra Province, Jambi Province, and West Kalimantan Province. The total area of the Riau Islands is 251,810.71 km2 (25,181,071 Ha).
- Batam Island
Covers an area of 415 km2 (41,500 Ha).
- Singapore
Located 20 km northwest of Batam Island with an area of 674 km2 (67,400 Ha).
- Bintan Island
Located 10 km east of Batam Island with an area of 1,100 km2 (110,000 Ha).
- Natuna Island
Located 550 km northeast of Batam Island with an area of 1,720 km2 (172,000 Ha).
- Bulan Island
Located 2.5 km southwest of Batam Island with an area of 100 km2 (10,000 Ha).
- Rempang Island
Located 2.5 km southeast of Batam Island with an area of 165.83 km2 (16,583 Ha).
- Galang Island
Located 350 m southeast of Rempang Island with an area of 80 km2 (8,000 Ha).
- Galang Baru Island
Located 180 m south of Galang Island with an area of 32 km2 (3,200 Ha).
- Barelang Area
Batam, Rempang, Galang Islands and the surrounding islands cover an area of 715 km2 (71,500 Ha).