E-Book (on Investment in Batam)

Latest Publications

Contains the latest digital book publications from BP Batam

Development Process of Batam

The year-on-year details of the development process of Batam City.

Bulletin BP Batam

Contains Information on Entire BP Batam Activities

Batam Port

Bulletin of the Port Business Entity in Batam City


Nomor telepon Pemadam Kebakaran

PBK Batu Ampar

PBK Duriangkang

PBK Sekupang

PBK Sagulung

PBK Sei Panas

Nomor Telepon RS BP Batam

Fire Department phone number

Batu Ampar Fire Prevention Center

Duriangkang Fire Prevention Center

Sekupang Fire Prevention Center

Sagulung Fire Prevention Center

Sei Panas Fire Prevention Center

BP Batam Hospital Phone Number